Saturday, November 26, 2011

Catching up with the College Kids: Meredith, Kelly, Carly, Trevor, Mike

It has been a pleasure to stay in touch with these young students who are featured in our DREAMS chapter.  I spent the some time on the tide pools with Kelly and Meredith yesterday, and enjoyed their gentle "childlike" wonder of the wildlife found in that fascinating ecosystem. They had spent hours on the pools as very young kids, however, they expressed a similar appreciation yesterday, as if for the first time or maybe it was because of the deep appreciation of the simple miracles of life they have gained in the more worldly experiences of recent years.
Kelly shared her stories of episode of the Occupy UC Davis movement and police brutality there.  Her dedication to her fellow students has her looking forward to returning to campus after a short break for Thanksgiving at home.  For Meredith, the short holiday is like coming up for air, until she returns to UCSB. She will not waste anytime shifting back into gear as a director for EENG (Environmental Education for the New Generation),  in Global Brigades (Ghana 2012), in her job at the market, and in her final weeks of class as she completes her major this winter.  Somehow, these two, and the other "Dreamers" still find time for moments of quiet, and make time for friends and fun.
Updates on Trevor, Mike and Carly to come...

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